Humans of Findlay

Rejoice in the Lord always.

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Holly Barton

Holly Barton is a wonderful , caring young lady driven by her faith and her desire to work and make a difference in the lives of children. We met at the YMCA where she interns while attending Bowling Green State University where she will be graduating May 9th with a Bachelors Degree in Sports Management.
She is a Findlay native, graduating from Findlay High School in 2011 where she played basketball and ran track for four years She returned to the high school to coach the freshman girls basketball team for two years before her classes had to take priority.
She is not slowing down after graduation. Holly is volunteering for three months at the Echo Ranch Bible Camp in Alaska as a counselor.
What little time she has between studying and interning she spends babysitting and pursuing her faith at Gateway Church. Her mom lives here in Findlay and she has two older brothers.
Gina Luginbill the FHS assistant basketball coach is her mentor of choice. “She helps others, I look up to her and she led me to the Lord.”
Holly’s favorite verse is Philippians 4:4-7, which reads in part, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say rejoice.”
She considers Findlay, “Home” and can’t wait to return back to it.