Laurie Turnow
For the past 15 years Laurie Turnow has been the director of the Woman’s Resource Center here in Findlay.
When a young woman is facing a unplanned pregnancy one of the places she can turn to for advice and counsel is the Woman’s Resource Center. Laurie is the second director the agency has had. She is supported by 12 volunteers who offer comfort, guidance and options to the expecting mother. They are a faith based organization, non-denominational and are not connected to any government agency They offer a safe place to come, be tested for pregnancy, offer a caring shoulder. Laurie and her staff serve over a thousand clients a year.
This agency also offers a program to approx. 3500 students in Findlay and surrounding county on wise alternatives in life. The program is called Teen Care (Character and relationships Education) and is offered to middle and high school students and is well received. Laurie is responsible for writing grants, written correspondence, fund raising and social media.
In her time away from the Center she and her husband of 38 years, Mike, like to travel to see their 5 daughters who live in 5 different states and have given them 5 grandbabies and one on the way.
Laurie earned her degree with a BA in Social Work from Taylor University and a Masters from Indiana Westleyan University in Ministry Leadership.
Laurie’s motto is her family scripture, Psalms 100:5.
Her mom was her role model with her example of service by working with the girls gangs in Harlem in the 1960’s. Service to Laurie is a way of life.