Jackson Doll
Jackson Doll is a star on the ice with Gliding Stars and on the big screen with a movie on his life premiering at a New York film festival in May. The documentary, “Go Jackson Doll”, is about his battle with autism and his work with Gliding Stars.
Jackson’s parents were originally told that he would never speak or function at a high level but is currently in the 4th grade in his elementary school and earning A’s and B’s with the help of a full-time aid. He is working to over come his fear of large group and loud settings.
He loves playing on his computer, swinging, riding his scooter outside and hopes to play ball in the newly formed Miracle League. He attends Blanchard Valley school for social classes and enjoys painting at Awakening Minds Art studio. His favorite food is spaghetti and his favorite restaurant is Cracker Barrel
He does not like dogs so he has three fish and a hamster named Turbo. Jackson’s dad is Chad and his mom is Jennifer and he has a sister Jillian who is nine