Humans of Findlay

A person is a person no matter how small.

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Craig VanRenterghem

Craig VanRenterghem has found his niche.
After ten years in the public school system here in Findlay teaching choir and music he is finishing his first year as Education Director of The Arts Partnership. In this position he oversees youth theatre, arts in schools and professional development for teachers education, specifically how to integrate the arts into their curriculum. This includes music, dance, art and drama. He and his co-workers work with city, county and home school students. They just finished the Willy Wonka production which included students from all over the area.
This position allows Craig to follow his passion for theatre and preforming arts. He is currently working on bringing public speaking to the homeschool and middle school students and allowing them to complete on a city wide level.
He is a native Findlayite and has a cat named Tigger. He has one brother and one sister and a niece he loves, Zoe. Both his parents are school teachers. His dad is his role model. “He is the hardest working man, caring , compassionate and taught me to be the best person I can be.”
His quote comes from Dr. Seuss, “A person is a person no matter how small.” “Everyone is significant in the world and has the ability to do something in the Arts.” Craig states.
He believes Findlay is heading in the right direction and is becoming vibrant.