Becky Pfaltzgraf
Teaching is a second career for Becky as she started out in business with a degree from BGSU in Business and Communications. After working in a hospital setting recruiting physicians she was coaxed into teaching a class at Owens and “I was home!” Teaching is a family tradition as her mother and grandmother were educators. Becky returned to college and received her Masters of Education from the University of Findlay.
She is now in her 22nd year in the classroom. She started in the elementary schools and worked her way up to teach Freshman English and college prep English. Becky serves as the English Chair at Findlay High School. She absolutely ”loves the relationship with the kids as their passion for learning fuels my passion for teaching.”
Becky has two boys, both in their 20’s, who have left the nest but live close enough to be a constant in her life. They text daily and come to dinner regularly. She is active in the First Presbyterian Church. She also like to run and walk as it allows for “free thinking.” When time allows she spends time traveling to big cities like New York or more solitude places like national parks.
Kathy Crates who was principal when Becky was starting out taught her an enthusiasm for the profession. Becky was also touched by Mardell Clemans, a fellow English teacher “by her style, enthusiasm and animation as she teaches.”