Dan and Claire Gremlin
The home of Dan and Claire Gremlin is bursting with love.
Parents of 4 boys ranging from the 2nd to 8th grade they felt something was missing. They became acquainted with a Down’s child ministry called Reece’s Rainbow and found what they were looking for. In an orphanage halfway round the world in the Ukraine there was a little girl named Molly waiting for adoption. They applied and after a seven month process flew to the Ukraine to pick her up. There they found there was a second little girl, the same age also with Down’s syndrome and they just couldn’t leave her behind. Mollie and Eliza are active three year olds adapting to their new life and are being spoiled by their big brothers who love them completely.
The boys who attend St. Mike’s and Glenwood are very doting and protective of their new little sisters.
Dan is a Human Resource manager at Marathon and Claire is a nurse at St. Mike’s and on call for the hospital.
The family is active following the boys in sports and church activities and Gliding stars for the girls. Claire is also active volunteering in her church youth group. This was a special family to spend time with.